At Opie Network, we strive to bring you the best offers available for publishers anywhere on the internet! Here are the top reasons to work with Opie Network:
Earn more money. Work with some of the leading merchants and advertisers that offer excellent compensation, including special offers for top-performing affiliates.
Access exclusive tools. Maximize your results by using our exclusive tools, content and creative designed just for our publishers and affiliate marketers.
Increase your yield on traffic and inventory. Combine your marketing efforts with additional marketing programs, such as display ads, email, co-registration, lead generation, etc.
Get better click-through rates. Enhance your website and click-through rates for your visitors with dynamic creative and exclusive merchant offers.
Access the top performing advertiser offers in the market. At Opie Network, we work with some of the most well-known and highest-converting advertisers on the Internet!
Up to date reporting and results. Our real-time, web-based reporting ensures that you are always up to date on the performance of your chosen campaigns. Stay informed with the ability to log in to access reports anywhere, anytime!
At Opie Network, we offer several different online advertising models for our publishers to promote:
Cost-Per-Action, or CPA, includes Cost-Per-Lead (CPL) and Cost-Per-Sale (CPS) advertising. We also have some advertisers that run Cost-Per-Click (CPC) advertising. No matter what the model, our goal is to bring you campaigns that will help you convert and make more money!
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